Chinchillas are interesting exotic creatures which when well taken care of, become living happy and bright. One should not omit the fact that the chief issue of chinchilla keeps is the fact that they need an abode which is safe, comfortable, and stimulating. It will be examined in this complete manual the fundamental of the chinchilla housing , such as cage size, kind of material, accessories and the environmental factors .
Cage Size and Type
Chinchillas are lively and well-coordinated animals that require spacious areas to run around and spend their energy. The dearest size of the cage for one chinchilla is 16″x18″x16″, and if circumstances allow it, then larger ones are definitely safer. For those of sufficient space, a multi-level cage of the sort crafted for ferrets can be useful and provide a comfortable habitat for a chinchilla.
It is quite important when selecting a cage to select that made from non-toxic, durable materials. This encourages mound-building that can cause floor traps for feces and urine to accumulate, so solid wire cages with a good flow of air are preferable.
Do not buy the galvanized wire because it can harm the animal when consumed. In such case, a major part of the wire floor be covered up as much as possible with the solid material, say Plexiglass or untreated wood.
Cage Accessories and Enrichment
You can attain this by offering different types of accessories and toys that will all make your Chinchilla live in a stimulating and cozy atmosphere. Here are some essential elements to include in your chinchilla’s cage:
- Hiding spots: Chinchillas are inherently shy and wary of new sights, so they should be provided with a place where they can hide at least once. Buying a pre-made cover (for instance, PVC pipes or cardboard tubes) or making your own from scratch is a cost-effective option.
- Perches and platforms: Introduce several levels, ramps and platforms to the cheetah so as to stimulate it to climb and jump.Satisfying the safety harness requirement is very important in this case. The harnesses should be made of sturdy, non-toxic materials and positioned so as not to cause falls.
- Chew toys: Chinchillas keep on growing teeth and are in need of a tough, fibrous materials that are suitable for grinding. Their requirement is to maintain their teeth even and neat by establishing a way of reducing the same.The chew toys made of safe wood can be provided for pets, such as apple wood sticks with a perfect rounded edge is an example of these safe chew toys.
- Dust bath: Chinchillas possess the ability to grooming themselves with the aid of a dust bathing region. They require this dust bathing for the purpose of maintaining the health of their fur. In so doing, their fur subsequently reveals healthy gloss. Offer a container supported below, so that it is comparable to a bath tub, which contains a commercially available chinchilla dust, and allow your pet to lie in this powder bath for 10 to 15 minutes daily.
- Bedding: The bedding material that is non-abrasive, absorbent including paper-based bedding and fleece liners would be ideal for the floor.Conifers are out of question because of oil excretions that are pretty bad for chinchillas.
- Food and water containers: Make a spacious food bowl and a water bottle strong for your chinchilla, to give them the clean food and refreshed water .
Environmental Factors
Not only the physical components of your chinchilla’s cage should be taken into account and, additionally, the environmental factors could influence the health and happiness of your chinchilla. Here are some key considerations:
- Temperature: Chinchillas have a very strong predisposition to heat, and can easily be caused excessive heat stroke. The temperature zone, suitable for chinchillas, is 55 degrees F. to 68 degrees F. (10°C to 20°C) and it should not go above 80 degrees F. (27°C). Ensure that the room where your chinchilla’s cage is situated is well-ventilated and that there anything that can cause normally high temperature such as direct sunlight and heat sources.
- Humidity: Unlike most mammals which hail from rainforests, the chinchillas like dry places with low humidity levels. Strive to ensure the humidity level remains under the limit of 40 – 50 %.
- Noise and activity: Contrary to popular belief, chinchillas are extremely sensitive to everything, hence sudden movements and loud noises. Locate their norms of living at area where there is no traffic and no appliances that are still loud.
- Supervision: Chinchillas can be house in a single cage, but it is essential to establish new arrivals gradually and monitor if they start fighting because of the essentials, like food.To have chinchillas housed together, the best approach is to get the formations when they are a young age to allow the formation of the social order rather than continue.
Cleaning and Maintenance
Maintaining proper hygiene and cleanliness is mostly important thing for the healthiness of your chinchilla. Here are some tips for cleaning and maintaining your chinchilla’s cage:
- Daily cleaning: Pick up the cage every day and wash it off of any soiled bedding, uneaten food and also droppings.
- Weekly cleaning: Cleaning should be done more throughly once a week, disinfecting the cage again in that process with a pet-safe cleaner.
- Monthly deep cleaning: For the monthly clean-up of the cage, remove everything from it, scour it well and completely decontaminate it.
- Dust bath maintenance: About once a week, exchange the dust you chose for dust bath of the chinchilla with pure dust to prevent its contamination from urine and feces.
Taking care of this dimension of your chinchilla’s habitat concerns performing a satisfactory cleaning and maintenance system to keep his environment clean and comfortable.
It is important that you create a shelter for your chinchilla which is safe, comfortable and provides enrichment for your pet. This is very important for their healthy of your chinchilla. Select the cage of the right size, add the bare essentials with enrichment items and keep a tidy and comfortable spot around—creating such will make your chinchilla feel at his best.
Making sure you know everything which chinchillas need and buy accessories and bedding accordingly is vital and shouldn’t be neglected. Should any doubts about the sort of housing or care for your chinchilla occur to you, you would be advised to visit an expert in exotic animal medicine or a well- known chinchilla breeder for guidance.